Valves / Valve Boxes
Medical gas valves are a required and crucial part of a medical gas system. All of our valves are dual port, NFPA 99 compliant. Whether you need a riser valve, branch valve, source valve, main valve, or inline valve, we have what you need, and if you don't know, we can help with that too!
Medical gas valves for Oxygen, Nitrous Oxide (N2O), Medical Air, Medical Vacuum, Nitrogen, Waste Anestetic Gas Disposal (WAGD/EVAC), Carbon Dioxide (CO2). All valves are NFPA 99 compliant. All valves are 3 piece, servicable, cleaned and bagged for oxgen use. All valves are leak tested.
Type of NFPA Medical Gas Valves:
Type of NFPA Medical Gas Valves:
- Main Line Valve
- Source Valve
- Branch Valve
- Riser Valve
- Inline Valve
Pipeline Products
- Amico Outlets
- Beacon Madaes Outlet Parts
- Allied Chemetron Outlets
- Tri-Tech Medical Gas Outlets
- Electrical Receptacle Assembly
Valves / Valve Boxes
- Zone Valve Box Configurator
- Medical Gas Valves
- Tri-Tech Valve Box
- Zone Valve Box / Alarm Sensor Port
- Zone Valve Box Alarm Combination
- Surface Mounted Medical Gas Valve Box
- Zone Indicator Valve
- Emergency Oxygen Supply Connection
- Medical Gas Check Valves
- Stainless Steel Valve Box Security Door
- Ball Valve Without Extension
- Butterfly Valves
- Valve Box Valves
- Valve Repair Kits
- Medical Gas Test Box
- Alarm Systems
- Medical Gas Hoses
- NFPA Manifold Configurator
- Manifold Headers
- Amico Medical Gas Manifolds
- Tri-Tech Manifolds
- Western Manifolds
- Ohio Manifolds
- Allied Chemetron Manifold Parts
- Beacon Medaes Lifeline Manifold Parts
- Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Dental Manifold
- Medical Gas Dual Line Regulating System
- Manifold Cylinder Pigtails
- Simplex Lab Gas Manifold
- Wall Regulating Panels
- Alarm Pressure Switches
- Regulators
- Pipeline Accessories
- Cylinder Wall Brackets / Carts