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Amico Wall Slides
Vacuum or suction wall slides are used to hold bio-waste canisters in a clinical setting. They are commonly installed in the wall below, or to the side of the suction / vacuum inlet. To have adjustable slides, please see our medical rail systems.
Product Files
Pipeline Products
- Amico Outlets
- Beacon Madaes Outlet Parts
- Allied Chemetron Outlets
- Tri-Tech Medical Gas Outlets
- Electrical Receptacle Assembly
Valves / Valve Boxes
- Zone Valve Box Configurator
- Medical Gas Valves
- Tri-Tech Valve Box
- Zone Valve Box / Alarm Sensor Port
- Zone Valve Box Alarm Combination
- Surface Mounted Medical Gas Valve Box
- Zone Indicator Valve
- Emergency Oxygen Supply Connection
- Medical Gas Check Valves
- Stainless Steel Valve Box Security Door
- Ball Valve Without Extension
- Butterfly Valves
- Valve Box Valves
- Valve Repair Kits
- Medical Gas Test Box
- Alarm Systems
- Medical Gas Hoses
- NFPA Manifold Configurator
- Manifold Headers
- Amico Medical Gas Manifolds
- Tri-Tech Manifolds
- Western Manifolds
- Ohio Manifolds
- Allied Chemetron Manifold Parts
- Beacon Medaes Lifeline Manifold Parts
- Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Dental Manifold
- Medical Gas Dual Line Regulating System
- Manifold Cylinder Pigtails
- Simplex Lab Gas Manifold
- Wall Regulating Panels
- Alarm Pressure Switches
- Regulators
- Pipeline Accessories
- Cylinder Wall Brackets / Carts